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EGM Co-Founder Takes a Test Drive

You can't sell a service with full confidence and enthusiasm unless you've tried it yourself. So, Robert Payne, a co-founder of Epic Golf Memories (EGM), made sure he was the first to give it a go. He and his dad took EGM photographer Tara Howard with them to the Stadium Course at PGA West in La Quinta, California in March of 2016.

They couldn't have picked a more perfect day for a father/son round of golf. They didn't even get stuck with anyone else! As they made their way from one glorious fairway to the next, Tara shadowed them as they played, quietly and purposefully capturing the action, scenery and fun with her Canon.

Robert and his dad were able to enjoy the majesty of the course and the surrounding scenery, focus on scoring well and have the most fun possible. With the EGM photographer following them around, there was no concern about taking their own photos. They knew that would have the photo memories to match their experience - and in the end received over 200 beautiful digital photos and 8 videos that they could download and enjoy forever.

"Getting to spend a day on a great golf course with my father and have those memories documented is something I'll always cherish," said Robert.

"Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true."

- Guatama Buddha

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Epic Golf Memories Personal Photographer

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